Announcing ObjectHandler 0.1.1 and QuantLibAddin 0.3.10

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Announcing ObjectHandler 0.1.1 and QuantLibAddin 0.3.10

eric ehlers
ObjectHandler version 0.1.1 and QuantLibAddin version 0.3.10 have been
released and are available for download at

ObjectHandler and QuantLibAddin share the QuantLib project structure
with regard to distribution,  licensing, etc., all of which is
documented on the main QuantLib website:

Please log any problems you have with this release in the SourceForge
bug tracker at
specifying the relevant package name and version number.


Integration of a generic C++ library such as Quantlib into
spreadsheets and other end user tools requires a standalone
ObjectHandler component, a repository allowing objects to be stored,
shared, updated, interrogated, and destroyed.


QuantLibAddin supplements QuantLib's existing C++ API with an
additional, higher-level API, implemented as a procedural interface
that can be deployed on any platform capable of linking C++ libraries.
QuantLibAddin is less flexible than the native API but allows QuantLib
functionality to be loaded directly to end-user environments such as

         The QuantLib group