Auto Generation OF Addin interface Code

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Auto Generation OF Addin interface Code

Brown, David (AFM)

Dear Sir/Madam


I have been trying to add a new function to Quantlib and export this trough Excel and so I am trying to get to grips with the auto-generation mechanism (AGM).


I have already read the information at but found that this does not answer my questions.


Is there any information on the AGM over and above that already found at the above web page?



David Brown

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Re: Auto Generation OF Addin interface Code

Eric Ehlers-2
Hi David,

Long time no speak, hope you're well.

> I have already read the information at
> but found that this
> does not answer my questions.
> Is there any information on the AGM over and above that already found at
> the above web page?

There's some in the pipeline.  I'm in the process of revamping the docs
for the next release, so I could move the gensrc stuff to the top of the
todo list, if you could help with feedback.  If that's of interest pls
drop me a line directly and I'll try to get a draft to you for Monday.


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