Binary Options

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Binary Options

Ferdinando M. Ametrano-3
Hi Neil

I've just committed slight changes to VanillaOption and BarrierOption in
order to have them use the Payoff class instead of the (type, stike) couple.
I had some problem with BinaryOption, namely with the enumeration
CashAtHit, CashAtExpiry.
I would appreciate your feedback about the following.

The classic european call option with binary payoff is H * 1(S-K), where K
is the strike, H is a cash amount, and 1(x) is 1 if x>=0, 0 if x>0. This is
a "cash" binary payoff.
The equivalent American option is the so-called One-Touch option: it has
the same payoff, but it is paid as soon as S>=K.

There is also the option with asset binary payoff, where the payoff is S *
1(S-K), with its european and american versions.

If I got your CashAtHit right, it is what I would call an american option
with cash binary payoff.
As for CashAtExpiry, it seems to me like an european lookback option with
cash binary payoff: at expiry you look back for the max value of the
underlying during the life of the option and then calculate a cash binary
payoff using the max value instead of the terminal underlying asset value

I would re-factor your code so that the enumeration CashAtHit, CashAtExpiry
will disappear,  replaced by european and american options with cash/asset
binary payoff.

I would then add (probably later) the lookback option, with plain payoff
and binary payoff.

A related question I have is where to find documentation for the analytic
American binary engine: any paper you would suggest?

thank you

ciao -- Nando