Boost Installing

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Boost Installing

dragomir nedeltchev
To install Boost, I've followed the instructions given on the Quantlib's site. While installing Boost, I've encountered the following problems:

1. While configuring Boost, I've failed to include files in the Projects and Solutions/VC++ Directories, since I received the following message: "VC++ Directories editing in Tools Options has been deprecated. VC++ Directories are now available as a user property sheet that is added by default to all projects". Am I able to follow the Quantlib site's instructions to configure Boost with MS VC2010 or shall I configure Boost with MS VC2008 as the Quantlib site reads? Are there instructions for Boost configuration with the latest version of MS VC?

2. While manually installing Boost as per Appendix, the DOS windows returned the following message:"Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find boost-build.jam. " How could I complete the Boost installation?

Can someone help me with any of the above issues?

Dragomir Nedeltchev

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Re: Boost Installing

Luigi Ballabio
On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 22:54 -0700, dragomir nedeltchev wrote:

> To install Boost, I've followed the instructions given on the
> Quantlib's site. While installing Boost, I've encountered the
> following problems:
> 1. While configuring Boost, I've failed to include files in the
> Projects and Solutions/VC++ Directories, since I received the
> following message: "VC++ Directories editing in Tools Options has been
> deprecated. VC++ Directories are now available as a user property
> sheet that is added by default to all projects". Am I able to follow
> the Quantlib site's instructions to configure Boost with MS VC2010 or
> shall I configure Boost with MS VC2008 as the Quantlib site reads? Are
> there instructions for Boost configuration with the latest version of
> MS VC?

Unfortunately I've not been able to check VC++2010 yet (I haven't
twisted our IT people's arm hard enough to let me upgrade.)
However, "deprecated" should mean "you should start doing things the
other way, but this one still works for the time being" so you might try
the current instructions.

The bad news is that the current QuantLib version was released before
VC2010 was available and won't work with it.  VC2008 is the latest
version that works.  I hope we'll fix this in next release, but I don't
have a timeframe.

> 2. While manually installing Boost as per Appendix, the DOS windows
> returned the following message:"Unable to load Boost.Build: could not
> find boost-build.jam. " How could I complete the Boost installation?

If you use VC2008, you can use the Boost installer instead.
Anyway, I would check if you were in the correct directory when you ran
the command. For instance, was the boost-build.jam file in your working
directory? Also, you might want to check the Boost site; they might have
more detailed installation instructions.



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