BrownianBridge and RandomSequenceGenerator

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BrownianBridge and RandomSequenceGenerator

Sylvain Bertrand
Hi everyone,

As I'm trying to generate a brownian bridge, I'm looking for the most efficient way to get the ouput.

If I'm not mistaken, it is not possible to get an iterator on the RandomSequenceGenerator, which means that I'd have to generate my random numbers and then pass them to the bridge via the transform function from the BrownianBridge class.

Can someone confirm that's the proper way to do it?



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Re: BrownianBridge and RandomSequenceGenerator

Luigi Ballabio
On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 14:41 -0400, Sylvain Bertrand wrote:
> As I'm trying to generate a brownian bridge, I'm looking for the most
> efficient way to get the ouput.
> If I'm not mistaken, it is not possible to get an iterator on the
> RandomSequenceGenerator, which means that I'd have to generate my
> random numbers and then pass them to the bridge via the transform
> function from the BrownianBridge class.
> Can someone confirm that's the proper way to do it?

Correct---you'll have to extract random values from a random-sequence
generator with nextSequence() and use transform(). You can see an
example of this in the PathGenerator class.



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