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Building QuantLib 1.3

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Building QuantLib 1.3

I am having trouble building QuantLib 1.3 with Visual Studio Express 2013 in Windows 7.

I have already installed Boost 1.55.0 OK

I used the file vc11 (MS Visual Studio solution) as a solution file.

Upgraded project files as requested by the compiler.

Edited Quantlib1.3/ql/auto_link with MSC_VER = 1800 and TOOLSET = vc110

All project files set with Include with \boost\boost_1_55_0; Libs with \boost\boost_1_55_0\lib;

On compiling testsuite, I get:

LNK1104 cannot open file libboost_unit_test_framework-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib

Useful suggestions requested. Thanks.

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Re: Building QuantLib 1.3

Smith, Dale (Norcross)

I had to build the Boost unit test library to get the QuantLib tests to work. Luigi has said before that this should not be required. I don’t think it’s worth my time to figure this out why things are different for me, so I just build the library when I upgrade Boost.


For the record, there are several Boost modules that I’ve found I must build as libraries. I build date/time, filesystem, iostreams, program options, test, math, regex, and system. Use the –with-<module> option repeatedly on the b2 command line. I also use link=static and specify the architecture and address model, along with the exact toolset (in my case, msvc-11.0). All this works very well for my situation.


Dale Smith, Ph.D.

Senior Financial Quantitative Analyst

Financial & Risk Management Solutions


Office: 678-375-5315



From: Iain [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:54 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Quantlib-users] Building QuantLib 1.3


I am having trouble building QuantLib 1.3 with Visual Studio Express 2013 in Windows 7.

I have already installed Boost 1.55.0 OK

I used the file vc11 (MS Visual Studio solution) as a solution file.

Upgraded project files as requested by the compiler.

Edited Quantlib1.3/ql/auto_link with MSC_VER = 1800 and TOOLSET = vc110

All project files set with Include with \boost\boost_1_55_0; Libs with \boost\boost_1_55_0\lib;

On compiling testsuite, I get:

LNK1104 cannot open file libboost_unit_test_framework-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib

Useful suggestions requested. Thanks.


Flow-based real-time traffic analytics software. Cisco certified tool.
Monitor traffic, SLAs, QoS, Medianet, WAAS etc. with NetFlow Analyzer
Customize your own dashboards, set traffic alerts and generate reports.
Network behavioral analysis & security monitoring. All-in-one tool.
QuantLib-users mailing list
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Re: Building QuantLib 1.3

Luigi Ballabio
Hi Dale,
    I might have misspoken. The boost unit-test library has always
been required. The other libraries you mention are not, but they're
nice to have around (and some of them are required for the QuantLibXL


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Smith, Dale (Norcross)
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> I had to build the Boost unit test library to get the QuantLib tests to
> work. Luigi has said before that this should not be required. I don't think
> it's worth my time to figure this out why things are different for me, so I
> just build the library when I upgrade Boost.
> For the record, there are several Boost modules that I've found I must build
> as libraries. I build date/time, filesystem, iostreams, program options,
> test, math, regex, and system. Use the -with-<module> option repeatedly on
> the b2 command line. I also use link=static and specify the architecture and
> address model, along with the exact toolset (in my case, msvc-11.0). All
> this works very well for my situation.
> Dale Smith, Ph.D.
> Senior Financial Quantitative Analyst
> Financial & Risk Management Solutions
> Fiserv
> Office: 678-375-5315
> www.fiserv.com
> From: Iain [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:54 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Quantlib-users] Building QuantLib 1.3
> I am having trouble building QuantLib 1.3 with Visual Studio Express 2013 in
> Windows 7.
> I have already installed Boost 1.55.0 OK
> I used the file vc11 (MS Visual Studio solution) as a solution file.
> Upgraded project files as requested by the compiler.
> Edited Quantlib1.3/ql/auto_link with MSC_VER = 1800 and TOOLSET = vc110
> All project files set with Include with \boost\boost_1_55_0; Libs with
> \boost\boost_1_55_0\lib;
> On compiling testsuite, I get:
> LNK1104 cannot open file libboost_unit_test_framework-vc120-mt-gd-1_55.lib
> Useful suggestions requested. Thanks.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Flow-based real-time traffic analytics software. Cisco certified tool.
> Monitor traffic, SLAs, QoS, Medianet, WAAS etc. with NetFlow Analyzer
> Customize your own dashboards, set traffic alerts and generate reports.
> Network behavioral analysis & security monitoring. All-in-one tool.
> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=126839071&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk
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Flow-based real-time traffic analytics software. Cisco certified tool.
Monitor traffic, SLAs, QoS, Medianet, WAAS etc. with NetFlow Analyzer
Customize your own dashboards, set traffic alerts and generate reports.
Network behavioral analysis & security monitoring. All-in-one tool.
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