Please Help!
I am trying to compile and link the BermudanSwaption.cpp in the Examples
directory as a test of my build environment. I am using MinGW and I believe
I have successfully installed the Boost libraries.
When I try to make BermudanSwaption, I get back a long list of undefined
The QuantLib libraries are in /usr/local/lib:
10/25/2006 03:37p 137,461,816 libQuantLib-0.3.13.a
10/25/2006 03:37p 137,461,816 libQuantLib.a
10/25/2006 03:37p 768 libQuantLib.la
10/25/2006 03:37p 3,549,674 libQuantLibFunctions.a
10/25/2006 03:37p 795 libQuantLibFunctions.la
Can someone please tell me why I can't link with these.