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Luigi Ballabio
Hi all,
        as you've noticed by my delay in answering posts on the mailing lists,
I'm not being able to allocate much time for QuantLib.  Which is more
the pity, since we've received quite a few contributions I'd like to
look at and include in the library.  Moreover, I'd like to put out a
release in the next couple of months.

Putting this all together---what would you say about creating a
ql/contrib folder in the library where I would add contributions just as
they are? The main points would be:

(+) contributions would go in without much effort; we'd just have to
check that they compile against the current code;
(+) they would be out earlier, thus receiving more feedback;
(-) their interfaces wouldn't be considered stable; based on feedback,
they could be reworked so that they fit preferred usage and the design
of the rest of the library.

In time, we'd look at them more carefully and move them to the regular
folder hierarchy.

And now that I think of it, we don't even need a ql/contrib folder---we
can use the existing ql/experimental instead.

What do you think?



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other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious
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