Cubic spline

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Cubic spline

Luigi Ballabio-4
        I just replaced in CVS the old implementation of the cubic spline with
yours. You might not recognize it at first sight :)
I still have to work on bicubic spline, mostly because I still have to
write a base class for 2-D interpolation. I'll try to think of something
smart involving iterators and hope that my head doesn't explode...

I will add your documentation when it's finished (no sweat). Good to see
you are writing it in LaTeX already.

Bye for now,

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Re: Cubic spline

Nicolas Di Césaré
En réponse à Luigi Ballabio <[hidden email]>:

> Nicolas,
> I just replaced in CVS the old implementation of the cubic spline with
> yours. You might not recognize it at first sight :)
> I still have to work on bicubic spline, mostly because I still have to
> write a base class for 2-D interpolation. I'll try to think of something
> smart involving iterators and hope that my head doesn't explode...

For technical reason, I can't have look to your work but please don't
explode ;-)

> I will add your documentation when it's finished (no sweat). Good to see
> you are writing it in LaTeX already.

I am also happy to use again LaTeX. Now, I am able produce documents in
standart formats (ie pdf,html) without font troubles (especially for pdf)
using the power of LaTeX. The winning team is MikTeX/TeXnicCenter for LateX->pdf
and hevea for LaTeX->html.

Nicolas Di Césaré