Hello all,
here is some notes on debugging QuantLib applications on OSX Leopard:
by default QuantLib is build with -g -O2 flag which will create a
special folder in ql/.libs called libQuantLib-0.9.8.dylib.dSYM,
this will hold all the debugging info. However since all the "not
important *.o" files are deleted the gdb debugger will crash on OSX if
this two files located together:
by default "make install" will copy the dylib file to the installation
location, since this should be the release version the debug
informations (folder of lib*.dSYM) are not copied of course, but the
library files still hold some debug information. So if an application
based on QuantLib is debugged the gdb will create lots of warnings
about missing debug info:
warning: Could not find object file "/Users/tamas/Programming/
averagebmacoupon.o" - no debug information available for
to avoid this when the "make install" script is called, on OSX one
should run
`strip -S libQuantLib-0.9.8.dylib`
before installing the library to its final location (eg removing all
"useless"debug info from the library)
So the real question now is how to debug QuantLib on OSX Leopard?
Well, during "make" one should keep these files:
by forcing the libtool (or make script) to not to clean up after
successful linking...
I hope this will help someone...
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