Distributing QuantLib based application

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Distributing QuantLib based application

Ghorpadkar, Suhas

I have successfully built Quantlib and wrote a small c++ application based on it.

Now I want to distribute this .exe application to my friends.

What exactly from Quantlib do I need to include along with my .exe ?

What would be different if this was .so application on Linux ?







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Re: Distributing QuantLib based application

Luigi Ballabio
    on Windows, QuantLib is a static library, so you linked it into your application and you don't need to distribute it separately.  Your friends might need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, if they didn't already, because the default Release configuration links dynamically to the Visual C++ runtime.  This might not be necessary if you switch to the "Release (static)" configuration.

On Linux, the default is to use dynamic libraries, so you'll need to distribute the .so with your program. However, you might try building QuantLib with `/.configure --disable-shared`, which would only create the static library and thus force your program to link to it. In that case, you might end up with a stand-alone executable.

Let me know what of the above actually works.


On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:46 AM Ghorpadkar, Suhas <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have successfully built Quantlib and wrote a small c++ application based on it.

Now I want to distribute this .exe application to my friends.

What exactly from Quantlib do I need to include along with my .exe ?

What would be different if this was .so application on Linux ?







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