Excel Add-In

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Excel Add-In

Christian Schuster-3

as i'm new to the whole C++ Stuff I have no idea how to install the excel

I downloaded the quantlib addin installer and the whole qunatlib file.
my compiler is lcc (i'm not familiar with, yet)

So, if there is anybody who can tell me how to get addin into excel I would


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Re: Excel Add-In

eric ehlers
HI Christian,

On 10/27/05, Christian Schuster <[hidden email]> wrote:

> my compiler is lcc (i'm not familiar with, yet)

That compiler is not supported by QuantLibAddin.  The only Windows
compiler that QuantLibAddin supports out of the box is Microsoft
Visual C++.  Using another compiler might be possible but would
require work to set up the makefiles.

The latest version of Microsoft Visual C++ - "Visual C++ 2005 Express
Edition Beta 2" - is currently available as a free download at the
following link:


Once you have a suitable compiler, please proceed with the
installation instructions for QuantLib, ObjectHandler (which requires
log4cxx) and QuantLibAddin.
