Fixed Coupon Bond coupon payments-an issue?

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Fixed Coupon Bond coupon payments-an issue?

Piter Dias-3

I had access to those weird bonds in a financial risk project for a new
Securities Clearing in Brazil at 2001. I would have to look at to see a current example for you.

Nowadays we have CDs where you have to generate cashflows (principal +
interest) in the issued term.
Think about a Swap fixed leg and we will see what we have here.

The main issue is the FixedRateCoupon, that calculates only linear coupons.
The patch I sent include a constructor where "Rate rate" becomes
"InterestRate rate" that is more generic.

The first class where I used the new constructor was FixedRateBond because I
would like to have at least NTN-F in QuantLib. It is one of simplest public
bonds here (simpler one is LTN, that is just discounted) but QuantLib
couldn't generate its cashflows in a simple way.

NTN-F is issued for R$1000,00 and pays semi-annual coupons of 10% compounded
annually. So each semester you receive R$48.808848 of interest

Once FixedRateCoupon was only linear I could not generate that.

Think about. If there are another way to make this in QuantLib let me know,
once I don't know the library in its full capabilities.

Piter Dias
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