Finally I managed to get FRN Bonds working in Python/SWIG.
To test it, I translated the C++ Bonds example to Python.
I attach it just in case anyone is interested on it. Feel free to include it in Quantlib-SWIG.
To get it working you need to include the couponpricer interface attached and make the following changes to other interfaces files.
1. piecewiseyieldcurve.i: include at the end of the file the following.
2. make ql.i aware of the couponpricer interface.
%include couponpricer.i
3. Substitute first constructor of SwapRateHelperPtr in ratehelpers.i for the following.
const Handle<Quote>& rate,
const Period& tenor,
const Calendar& calendar,
Frequency fixedFrequency,
BusinessDayConvention fixedConvention,
const DayCounter& fixedDayCount,
const IborIndexPtr& index,
const Handle<Quote>& spread = Handle<Quote>(),
const Period& fwdStart = 0*Days) {
boost::shared_ptr<IborIndex> libor =
return new SwapRateHelperPtr(
new SwapRateHelper(rate, tenor, calendar,
fixedFrequency, fixedConvention,
fixedDayCount, libor,spread,fwdStart));
I think that I haven't changed anything else. If you get an error let me know.
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