Garch11 exmaple code needed

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Garch11 exmaple code needed

Andrew Leach
I've been reading the Book on Implementing QuantLib that I bought on LeanPub and the test case examples and I've come up with this outline of code that I need to perform Garch11 calculations.

QuantLib::Garch11 cgarch2(iArray, Garch11::MomentMatchingGuess);
LevenbergMarquardt lm;
cgarch2.calibrate(iArray, lm, EndCriteria(3, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
oArray = garch.calculate(iArray);

where iArray and oArray are QuantLib::TimeSeries<Volatility> objects.

Is this outline correct? I appreciate someone giving some insight as I'm relatively new to this.

Also, I don't understand how to define the EndCriteria part of the calibrate method. I've read the docs and that doesn't help me either. Could someone explain in simple English please?

What I want to do is finish after 3 interations but as far as the other parameters I'm none the wiser.

Anyone can help me?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Garch11 exmaple code needed

Andrew Leach

Please see post entitled Re: Question regarding EndCriteria parameter (Old Subject: Garch11 exmaple code needed)

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On 11 July 2017 at 00:26, Andrew Leach <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've been reading the Book on Implementing QuantLib that I bought on LeanPub and the test case examples and I've come up with this outline of code that I need to perform Garch11 calculations.

QuantLib::Garch11 cgarch2(iArray, Garch11::MomentMatchingGuess);
LevenbergMarquardt lm;
cgarch2.calibrate(iArray, lm, EndCriteria(3, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
oArray = garch.calculate(iArray);

where iArray and oArray are QuantLib::TimeSeries<Volatility> objects.

Is this outline correct? I appreciate someone giving some insight as I'm relatively new to this.

Also, I don't understand how to define the EndCriteria part of the calibrate method. I've read the docs and that doesn't help me either. Could someone explain in simple English please?

What I want to do is finish after 3 interations but as far as the other parameters I'm none the wiser.

Anyone can help me?

Thanks in advance.
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