you'll need to modify the file ql/Patterns/singleton.hpp to support TLS.
In case you're working with VC++, check out this article:
Also, make that *no* data is shared at all between threads.
BTW, in case you are still getting crashes it's always good to put trace
statements in the code and putting sleep() statements at strategic
points. Multi-threaded debugging is not for the faint-hearted ;-)
zheng wang wrote:
> Ashish,
> do you have a list of classes we need to convert in QuantLib or in the
> driver code?
> Thanks.
> Jim
> */Ashish Kulkarni /* wrote:
> You will have to make the Singleton class template thread-safe. The
> simplest way is to put the data in Thread-Local Storage. Using a mutex
> is not really ideal, as you'll run into performance issues very quickly.
> Also, check that you are not writing to shared STL containers in
> multiple threads, as the STL itself is not guarenteed to be thread-safe.
> zheng wang wrote:
>> we would like to run Swapvaluation.cpp in a multithreaded environment;
>> we modified the code by wrapping all the functionality in main() of the
>> aforementioned file into a new function abc() and created two threads in
>> main() to call abc(). It always crashes. I wonder if we did something
>> wrong or QuantLib is not thread-safe at all. Your help would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks.
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