Hi all I'm getting some trouble with the Hull-White model calibration. I wrote the following piece of code, which I'm interfacing with Excel through XLW: void IRModel::calibrate( const vector<double>& vola,
// Caphelpers declaration
} hModel_ = Handle<Model>(new HullWhite(rhTermStructure) ); hModel_->calibrate( instruments, method ); } Unfortunately the program throws a bunch of exceptions (seemingly neither of the QuantLib, nor of the STL type, since they are not catched by the catch block above), but the method hModel_->calibrate() manages to find the parameters. After exiting the function IRModel::Calibrate(..) however, Excel gives me a dialog box message of the kind "Debug assertion failed" and I get the following message in the Visual C++ 6.0 Output window: HEAP[EXCEL.EXE]: Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap( 1af0000, 12cd6c ) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. Luca Berardi Banca Profilo
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