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License Terms

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License Terms

Rison, Kathryn M

Good Afternoon-


I am a Contracting Officer with a U.S. Federal Agency, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).  We are interested in being able to use Quantlib, however as a federal agency we are limited in terms of what we can agree to with license/terms of use agreements.

We are reviewing the license agreement now and would like to know if there is anyone that would be available and have the authority to review requested changes to the Quantlib license agreement.

Please advise.





Kathryn (Kay) Rison

Contracting Officer

U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

1155 21st Street, NW | Washington DC 20581 | Tel: 202-418-5419 | Fax: 202-418-5414



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Re: License Terms

Alexander Sokol
Hello Kay:

Given the large number of contributors to QuantLib, getting every one of them to agree to an amended license is a practical impossibility even if such change is endorsed by QuantLib moderators. However, a vendor is able to offer a commercial license to QuantLib as long as its terms are in compliance with the original open source QuantLib license. An example of this may be adding a warranty, indemnification, or support commitment to the license.

I will be happy to review your proposed changes to determine if CompatibL or another vendor would be able to offer the type of license you are looking for. Please feel free to use direct email if you would prefer not to post the requested license amendments to quantlib-users.

Best regards
Alexander Sokol
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Re: License Terms

Luigi Ballabio

Hello Kay,
    what Alexander said. There are more than 100 copyright holders for the code at this point. It's simply not doable to have them all re-license the code.

I'm curious, though. What are the deal breakers in the current license? I would have thought it's permissive enough.


On 09:37, Wed, Aug 10, 2016 Alexander Sokol <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello Kay:

Given the large number of contributors to QuantLib, getting every one of
them to agree to an amended license is a practical impossibility even if
such change is endorsed by QuantLib moderators. However, a vendor is able to
offer a commercial license to QuantLib as long as its terms are in
compliance with the original open source QuantLib license. An example of
this may be adding a warranty, indemnification, or support commitment to the

I will be happy to review your proposed changes to determine if CompatibL or
another vendor would be able to offer the type of license you are looking
for. Please feel free to use direct email if you would prefer not to post
the requested license amendments to quantlib-users.

Best regards
Alexander Sokol

View this message in context: http://quantlib.10058.n7.nabble.com/License-Terms-tp17640p17641.html
Sent from the quantlib-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
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