On Monday 18 December 2000 13:18, you wrote:
> >Initial impressions:
> >
> > I am unhappy about the heavy use of templates and the stl. Its
> > going to
> >bite you on many platforms (guys there is a whole world out there apart
> > from Macs and Windows machines...) and the bloat is going to be
> > considerable.
> Luigi will reply to this one. In the meantime can you elaborate on which
> platform you think we will have problems?
> QuantLib compiles on Win32, Mac and (hopefully soon) on Linux.
> Sun Solaris is the only other platform used in financial world I can think
I think that completely and utterly depends on the firm. We have everything
from Sun, IBM, HP boxes. Not everywhere do you have
the GNU developer tools But hey, I personally don't really care about
anything but windows and Linux.
> Of course my approach has some drawback.
> We cannot use GPLed libraries to preserve the QuantLib licence, since GPL
> would contaminate QuantLib. We can use LGPL libraries.
Well, lets see whether we can survive without great code such as the stats
libs of R etc.