The code below, compares floating rate cashflows for a simple GBP swap curve based on deposit rates.
The second cashflow, GBP 18080.1163951 can be calculated by hand by bootstrapping the 6mth and 12mth rate, and this result matches the reset implied by the IborLeg calculation. Date 07-Jan-13 08-Jul-13 0.0353 07-Jan-14 0.036 Implied Fwd Rate = 0.036061434 Cash flow = 1,000,000 * 0.036061434 * 183/365 Cashflow = 18080.11622 However the 2nd reset implied by Schedule appears to be slightly different at GBP 18077.4356294. Is there a parameter missing when setting up Schedule? from QuantLib import * from datetime import date def makeQLdatePydate(s_date): return date(s_date.year(),s_date.month(),s_date.dayOfMonth()) calendar = UnitedKingdom() todaysDate = Date(7,January,2013); Settings.instance().evaluationDate = todaysDate settlementDate = Date(7,January,2013); # market quotes deposits = { (3,Months): 0.0363, (6,Months): 0.0353, (12,Months): 0.036, (18,Months): 0.036 } for n,unit in deposits.keys(): deposits[(n,unit)] = SimpleQuote(deposits[(n,unit)]) dayCounter = Actual365Fixed() settlementDays = 0 depositHelpers = [ DepositRateHelper(QuoteHandle(deposits[(n,unit)]), Period(n,unit), settlementDays, calendar, ModifiedFollowing, False, dayCounter) for n, unit in deposits.keys() ] floatingLegFrequency = Semiannual floatingLegTenor = Period(6,Months) floatingLegAdjustment = ModifiedFollowing discountTermStructure = RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle() forecastTermStructure = RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle() helpers = depositHelpers depoSwapCurve = PiecewiseFlatForward(settlementDate, helpers,Actual365Fixed()) swapEngine = DiscountingSwapEngine(discountTermStructure) discountTermStructure.linkTo(depoSwapCurve) forecastTermStructure.linkTo(depoSwapCurve) nominal=1000000 length = 1 maturity = calendar.advance(settlementDate,length,Years) # index = GBPLibor(floatingLegTenor,forecastTermStructure) floatingLegDayCounter = index.dayCounter() floatingSchedule = Schedule(settlementDate, maturity, floatingLegTenor, calendar, floatingLegAdjustment, floatingLegAdjustment, DateGeneration.Forward, False) nominals =[nominal for x in floatingSchedule] floatingrates = IborLeg(nominals[:-1],floatingSchedule,index,dayCounter) print "Reset for calculating second cashflow" print index.fixing(floatingSchedule[1]) print "Start date for calculating second cashflow" print floatingSchedule[1] print "End date for calculating second cashflow" print floatingSchedule[2] print "Days/365" print float((makeQLdatePydate(floatingSchedule[2])-makeQLdatePydate(floatingSchedule[1])).days) print "Second Cashflow from floatingSchedule = nominal * rate * Days/365" print nominal*index.fixing(floatingSchedule[1])* float((makeQLdatePydate(floatingSchedule[2])-makeQLdatePydate(floatingSchedule[1])).days)/365.0 print "Second cashflow from IborLeg and from simple bootstrapping" print floatingrates[1].date(),floatingrates[1].amount() |
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