New argument for using quantlib

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New argument for using quantlib

Joseph Wang
Just thinking about an argument why a major bank would want to use
develop systems using Quantlib rather than in house proprietary
code......  Tell me what you think about it.

You as a major bank want to do operations in China.  You probably do
want to take advantage of the large numbers of software engineers in
China, but you probably do not want to ship any of your crown jewel
proprietary code over there for things that do not require it, since the
intellectual property laws and culture will mean that every will get
access to your code.

So if you have have a standard calculation that you want to do in China
that doesn't require the use of proprietary means, it's probably better
if you build it on quantlib since you then can ship the code overseas
and nothing too bad will happen if everyone gets a copy of the source
code since this is built into the development model.