ObjectHandler version 0.1.3 and QuantLibAddin version 0.3.12 have been
released and are available for download:
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12740The latest release of QuantLibAddin includes a binary installation
into which all prerequisites - QuantLib, log4cxx, ObjectHandler, and
the Visual C++ runtime environment - have been statically linked.
http://quantlib.org/objecthandler/index.htmlIntegration of a generic C++ library such as QuantLib into
spreadsheets and other end user tools requires a standalone
ObjectHandler component, a repository allowing objects to be stored,
shared, updated, interrogated, and destroyed.
http://quantlib.org/quantlibaddin/index.htmlQuantLibAddin implements an interface supporting a subset of QuantLib
functionality. Constructor, member and utility functions are defined
in XML metadata from which a Python application generates source code
for supported platforms including Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice.Org
The QuantLib group