ObjectHandler/gensrc regex questions

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ObjectHandler/gensrc regex questions

Jan Ladislav Dussek
I have a couple of unrelated questions (observations?), both of which happen to be about regular expressions.

1. ObjectHandler/Excel: The regex which deals with Excel cell references (for logging, etc.) in the RangeReference class seems to be a bit unforgiving about file and sheet names. I tend to use the ohRangeRetrieveError function a lot, and it won't work if, for example, the file name has parentheses in it or the sheet name contains a period.

2. gensrc: I want to expose a custom class to Excel (Bar) which is in a sub-namespace (Foo) of QuantLib, i.e., QuantLib::Foo::Bar. I write a wrapper QuantLibAddin::Foo::Bar for this class. In my category .xml file, I put Foo::Bar in the <libraryFunction> tag.

This seems to me to be the 'obvious' way to export a class from a sub-namespace (I could be wrong), but it's prevented from working by the fulltype.FullType.RE_NAMESPACE regex (.*)::(.*) which takes everything after the last '::' to be the class name.

Everything works if I change this regex to ([^:]*)::(.*) taking everything after the first '::' to be the class name, but for maintainability I prefer not to touch 3rd-party code. Also, this change implicitly assumes that the library namespace and object namespace are not themselves sub-namespaces. Is there a better solution that I'm missing (outside of "don't use sub-namespaces"...)?


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