[PATCH] configure.ac relative paths handling

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[PATCH] configure.ac relative paths handling

CELLERIER A      DsigMis

Attached is a small patch to configure.ac so that relative paths with the --with-boost-include and --with-boost-lib work.


Antoine Cellerier


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configure.ac.patch (1K) Download Attachment
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[PATCH] configure.ac relative paths handling

CELLERIER A      DsigMis
(Sorry if this message was already received by some of you but i don't think that it ever made it to the mailing list)

Here is a small patch to configure.ac so that relative paths with the
--with-boost-include and --with-boost-lib work.


Antoine Cellerier

--- tmp/QuantLib-0.3.10/configure.ac 2005-03-18 10:13:20.000000000 +0100
+++ QuantLib-0.3.10/configure.ac 2005-08-11 15:03:07.673856400 +0200
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
                            [Supply the location of Boost header files]),
-            [ql_boost_include_path=$withval],
+            [ql_boost_include_path="`cd ${withval} 2>/dev/null && pwd`"],
 if test [ -n "$ql_boost_include_path" ] ; then
    AC_SUBST([CPPFLAGS],["${CPPFLAGS} -I${ql_boost_include_path}"])
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
                            [Supply the location of Boost libraries]),
-            [ql_boost_lib_path=$withval],
+            [ql_boost_lib_path="`cd ${withval} 2>/dev/null && pwd`"],
 if test [ -n "$ql_boost_lib_path" ] ; then
    AC_SUBST([LDFLAGS],["${LDFLAGS} -L${ql_boost_lib_path}"])


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