Please help a beginner to quantative development

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Please help a beginner to quantative development

Hello everyone,
I am new to the field of quantative development, but am developing an interest in this area, and might want to pursue a career in it. I have some C/C++ experience, and have completed an engineering degree so I believe I can learn financial maths. 
As background preparation for an entry level job, can you give me pointers on what I need to learn - both programming-wise and finance-wise?
Can you tell me what C/C++ features I need to be well acquianted with e.g. DCOM, STL, ATL or  if I need to start learning C# and JAVA also.What financial education would I need for starting out. Are there textbooks or online tutorials that I must review and understand? What level of financial literacy do employers in this field expect from programmers?
My aim it to prepare for about 6 months and then apply for an entry level job as a C++ quantative developer in London. Do you think is feasible? I aim to learn primarily by doing personal projects that simulate financial models in software - really simple ones of course.
Your help would be highly appreciated, and if you feel you have any other relevant advice, please feel free to give it to me.
Kind Regards,
Rahul Dixit
+0064 9 6278273    (h)
+0064 21 030 5594 (w)