On 1/18/06, gilles herzog <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Then, i've seen that 1 librairy is absent and I don't understand that. It
> compiles in visual Studio but impossible to build ( LNK error ).
you have compiled QuantLib in Debug MTDLL configuration, which
resulted in Quantlib-vc80-mt-gd-0_3_11.lib. Now you're trying to
compile EuropeanOption in Release configuration, and the compiler is
telling you that the corresponding version of the library
(Quantlib-vc80-mt-s-0_3_11.lib) is not available. The configurations
must match, so either recompile the library in Release configuration
or compile EuropeanOption in Debug MTDLL configuration. You can select
configurations in your toolbar, or in the Build menu.