QuantLib DO compile on Ubuntu 6.06 :-D

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QuantLib DO compile on Ubuntu 6.06 :-D

Piter Dias-3

If someone can´t compile QuantLib on Ubuntu 6.06 (or someone other Linux
distribution) try uninstalling autoconf, automake, m4 and libtools from
Then you get all of them from www.gnu.org, compile by yourself and install them.
After that my Ubuntu 6.06 was able to compile QuantLib and their examples.

Thanks everyboy.

Piter Dias
[hidden email]

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Re: QuantLib DO compile on Ubuntu 6.06 :-D

Dirk Eddelbuettel

[ I'm resending from a different machine as sourceforge rejected mail
  from Comcast :-/   -- Dirk ]

On 7 September 2006 at 22:01, Piter Dias wrote:
| People,
| If someone can?t compile QuantLib on Ubuntu 6.06 (or someone other Linux
| distribution) try uninstalling autoconf, automake, m4 and libtools from
| distribution.
| Then you get all of them from www.gnu.org, compile by yourself and install
| them.

It is _way_ easier than that. How do you think the Ubuntu (or for that
matter, Debian) developers compile current stuff?  Using current packages, of
course.  I have been maintaining QuantLib for Debian for over five years and
cannot recall I ever needed to go beyond what Debian had in its unstable

On my Ubuntu box at work, I simply unpacked the Debian sources and
recompiled. And even from CVS/SVN, you can install the tools via apt-get and
friends and build the sources. It is all there -- here's what my Ubuntu box
at home show (that I use as a workstation / display and only rarely for

edd@joe:~$ apt-cache search automake1
automake1.4 - A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles.
automake1.7 - A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
automake1.8 - A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
automake1.9 - A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
joe:~$ apt-cache search autoconf | grep ^autoconf
autoconf - automatic configure script builder
autoconf-doc - automatic configure script builder documentation
autoconf2.13 - automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)
autoconf-archive - The Autoconf Macro Archive

| After that my Ubuntu 6.06 was able to compile QuantLib and their examples.

I said it before, and I will say it again: To me, the most obvious step is to
simply install the Build-Depend: for the corresponding Debian package.  With
sources entries in the apt config file, it can all be reduced to a single
call to apt-get source: downloading, installing of build-dependencies,
compiling, the works.

For Quantlib from CVS/SVN, you also need tools to prepare the release step
which the tarballs already include.

Hope this helps, if you are still have questions I'd be happy to take this

Regards, Dirk

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