QuantLib as a basis for a real time production quality rate curve calibration solution?

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QuantLib as a basis for a real time production quality rate curve calibration solution?

Johan Van Biesen

Question: is QuantLib a good starting point to build and maintain state of the art real time rate curve calibration solution ready for integration in a trading environment?

Context: the large fund for which I work asked me to investigate this. Significant requirements: 
  1. Use as a server using real time market sources to calibrate and feed curves to a (third party) trading platform.
  2. Use also in an interactive environment (Excel), allowing a limited set of configuration updates.
  3. Multi-currency, multi tenor curve, state of the art calibration. High level of precision. (Dependencies between curves, asset swaps as calibration instrument).
  4. Open and flexible for rapid integration of new pricing/calibration techniques.
  5. To be build and maintained as a new effort. Fund has few previous libraries/infrastructure to start from. Experience with QL as validation tool.
Is QuantLib a good starting point for such a solution?
  1. Main concern: would this be a first implementation of this kind? Has this been done previously? Can anyone provide details of closely related efforts?
  2. What evidence can be provided to prove that QL is thoroughly validated?
  3. Is QL sufficiently performant? The setup will require parallel calibration of many dependent curves .  [Probably heavily dependent on interpolation methods, caching techniques and clever choice of the solving/optimization algorithm. Any comment on performance considerations welcome.]
  4. How much extra effort should we expect in order to adapt/extend QL for such a solution?
  5. Are there firms which can offer support to build/maintain a QL solution? [Benelux]
  6. How close do the calibration solutions which are offered in the Examples of the QL distribution come to a real-time solution?
  7. What would you use as an alternative starting point of such a solution?
Thanks for all replies on this forum.      [Sensitive information may be communicated privately.]

Johan Van Biesen.     johan  (at domain)  vanbiesen.net

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