Ciao Nando,
I had some problems with QuantLib.xla and did som improvements.
First of all:
Module -> ObjectBuilder -> Function ListFilesInFolder
If FileItem.Type = "XML Document" - doesn't work for the German version :-( I extended it with "XML-Dokument"
Maybe there is a better idea how to check the file. For example using its extension.
Module -> ObjectBuilder -> Function buildConstructor
values(1,1) = "=ohRangeRetrieveError(R[-1]C)" doesn't work for the older excel version (2002)
I exchanged it with values(1,1) = "=ohRangeRetrieveError(" & dest.offset(0,1).Cells.Address & ")"
Hope it will be helpfull. I've spent some time trying to figure out the problem.