As mentioned previously ObjectHandler and QuantLibAddin have been
reorganized into separate projects:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/objecthandlerhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/gensrchttp://sourceforge.net/projects/quantlibaddinhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/quantlibxlWe've set up the mailing lists as follows:
1) quantlibxl-users - end users of QuantLibXL
2) quantlibaddin-developers - everybody else, i.e. anyone interested in:
- source code for QuantLibXL
- source code and/or usage of other Addins e.g. Calc
- anything relating to QuantLibAddin, ObjectHandler, or gensrc
For now I would propose to transfer any discussion of
ObjectHandler/QuantLibAddin development from quantlib-dev to
quantlibaddin-developers. I've started with a message regarding
changes to the processing of instance names:
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=11101467&forum_id=48697When we do the next release I'll ask end users to relocate from
quantlib-users to quantlibxl-users.