Hi All
Here are the prerelease tarballs for QuantLibAddin and related projects:
http://quantlib.org/prerelease/oh-qla.htmlI'd be grateful to anyone who could test the files and let me know how
it goes. For the latest build instructions, please see the
QuantLibAddin documentation under "build tutorial". The release will
ship on Friday morning.
I mentioned previously that QuantLibAddin/ObjectHandler and related
projects were factored out of QuantLib into into separate SourceForge
projects. Unfortunately that move led to logistical problems so in
the coming weeks we'll be moving that code back into QuantLib. For
now the projects remain separated - and any prerelease fixes should be
made to the branches as noted below - but the release will be posted
to the QuantLib downloads page.
gensrc -
SF project -
http://sourceforge.net/projects/gensrcmodule - gensrc
branch - R000104f0-branch
log4cxx -
SF project -
http://sourceforge.net/projects/objecthandlermodule - log4cxx-0.9.7
branch - none
ObjectHandler -
SF project -
http://sourceforge.net/projects/objecthandlermodule - ObjectHandler
branch - R000104f0-branch
QuantLibAddin -
SF project -
http://sourceforge.net/projects/quantlibaddinmodule - QuantLibAddin
branch - R000313f0-branch
QuantLibXL -
SF project -
http://sourceforge.net/projects/quantlibxlmodule - QuantLibXL
branch - R000313f0-branch