QuantLibXL_full_vc10 incremental linking limit exceeded

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QuantLibXL_full_vc10 incremental linking limit exceeded

Don Stewart-3
Hi Eric,
some more feed back on building the QuantLib 1.1 release candidates in case it helps.
Last night I downloaded the latest install set from http://sourceforge.net/projects/quantlib/files/prerelease/
On my Windows XP,  Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition, Boost 1.46.1 platform I built the QuantLibXL_full_vc10 solution. I got the following error during the linking phase at the end of the:-
LINK : fatal error LNK1210: exceeded internal ILK size limit; link with /INCREMENTAL:NO
I resolved this by:-
Opening the Property Pages for the QuantLibXLStatic project.
Expanding the Configuration Properites->Linker->General folder.
Setting the "Enable Increment Linking" property to "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)"
After that change the build ran to successful completion.
I recall Microsoft have a workaround to when the .ilk file exceeds some limit (something like ~256Mb or ~384Mb) so when I get a moment I'll implement that workaround and then reinstate incremental linking.
Regards Don Stewart
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