Quantlib with Sunstudio 12.1 on Solaris 2.10/Sparc

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Quantlib with Sunstudio 12.1 on Solaris 2.10/Sparc

Norbert Irmer

Help/Feature Request:


I am trying to get Quantlib running on Solaris/Sparc with Sunstudio.


 We are using Quantlib for some Bond Calculations in the Windows World,

and want to port our Software to Solaris/Sparc.


We cannot use GCC, because we link with the Reuters RFA C++ libs, which

are  compiled with sunstudio.


I get quite far, when trying to get Quantlib running on Solaris with Sunstudio

and "-library=stlport4".


I just had to include a lot of "#include <math.h>"'s into the quant sources, because

sqrt etc. are macros in Gcc, while Sunstudio needs a header for them.


There were also a few occurences of expressions, which required an lvalue

as an operand, like " --leg.end()", which could also be easily fixed by assigning

a local variable.


But when linking, i get a lot of unresolved symbols, like missing static members of

templates, etc..


So I would like to ask:


Has someone ever successfully build and used Quantlib on Solaris/Sparc with

Sunstudio ?


Is it perhaps possible, to officially support the Solaris/Sparc/Sunstudio platform ?


Alone i am quite helpless, because it takes ages to experiment with different

compiler settings, etc.






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