Quantnotes.com + QuantLib Examples

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Quantnotes.com + QuantLib Examples

Henry Tang-2
Hi all,

We at Quantnotes have started to write some user docs on how to use
Quantlib to write quant programs. At the moment we have set up two help
articles on compiling and installing the library (Win32/Borland C++ and

Quantnotes is set up to educate quant-wanabes
(physicists/mathematicians/engineers) about quants, and to provide some
useful resources for everyone (quants, practitioners, etc.)

At the moment, we are in the process of writing one or two real-world
examples and therefore would appreciate any addition contribution from
you all. The website address is at http://www.quantnotes.com/ (yes, our
name is remarkably similar to QuantLib, that's pure coincidence).

Suggestions of sample codes include models drawn from publications or
textbooks would be a good start. Do cite the source so that everyone
knows what model(s) is being implemented.
