actually I did not modify the project files but what is strange is that even
if I have downloaded boost v.1.43 the folder C:\Program
Files\boost\boost_1_43\lib has not been created.
I followed what is written in
http://quantlib.org/quantlibaddin/boost.html for
VC++ 8.
do I miss something?
>----Messaggio originale----
[hidden email]
>Data: 25/01/2011 10.39
>A: "Bojan Nikolic"<
[hidden email]>
>Cc: "
[hidden email]"<
[hidden email]>, <quantlib-dev@lists.
>Ogg: Re: [Quantlib-dev] Problem building QuantlibAddIn
>On Mon, 2011-01-24 at 07:18 +0000, Bojan Nikolic wrote:
>> "
[hidden email]" <
[hidden email]> writes:
>> > fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_serializetion-vc80-mt-
>> > lib'
>> That is a spelling mistake -- should be 'libboost_serialization-vc80-mt-
>I don't find it by running grep on the projects, though. Paolo, did you
>modify the project files? If not, what particular project is failing in
>the solution, and what QuantLib version are you using?
>Hanlon's Razor:
>Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained
>by stupidity.
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