RE: QuantLibXL, XLW problems: Not a valid add-In

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RE: QuantLibXL, XLW problems: Not a valid add-In

Aurelien Chanudet
Thanks to Sid for asking and thanks to nando for answering. I seem to
remember that someone also suggested building QuantLibXL as a static
library. How do I set up VC++ to build a static library ?


> When Excel displays that message, it usually means that one of the dll that
> your program relies on is missing from your system.
> This is happening in your case because your excel add-in requires the latest
> runtime which you have linked to dynamically and the other machine probably
> doesn"t have it (it comes with Visual Studio, so if the other machine
> doesn"t have visual studio, most likely it doesn"t have that version of the
> c runtime dll).
> In general, there is a free tool call Dependency Walker at
> It shows you all dll dependencies and
> shows you what"s missing.
> It"s useful for excel but also for a bunch of other situations!