Hi everybody,
Programming styles are probably one of the more contentious issues, and
different people are used to different things. But I think Bernd is right to
bring up the issue of programming style. There are probably a zillion ways
of doing things, but what I would like to propose is that we should agree on
a set of C++ programming style rules. This, I think, will avoid problems at
a stage, when many more people are starting to add code.
There is a very concise set of rules (actually 92 of them) at
http://www.geosoft.no/style.html#General%20Recomendations, which we could
take as a base for discussion. I would propose that we should go through the
list and discard those rules we don't like or add other rules, and thus
keep those we think guarantee a minimum degree of consistency in the code.
What are your thoughts on this?
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
[hidden email]
> [mailto:
[hidden email]]En nombre de Bernd
> Johannes Wuebben
> Enviado el: 19 December 2000 04:13
> Para:
[hidden email]
> Asunto: [Quantlib-users] Some Whitespace please?
> Hi,
> I realize different people follow different code styles,
> and I am the very
> last person to be fuzz about this, but could we at least have some white
> space inbetween logical blocks of code?
> Attached please find an example for what is currently been done:
> bsmamericanoption.cpp
> and what I would like to see:
> bsmamericanoptionoSpace.cpp
> Comments welcome.
> Bernd