Re: Error

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Re: Error

Ferdinando M. Ametrano-2
Peter Mills wrote:

>I downloaded and installed the W32 version of the QL
>library. I then tried to compile the example
>DiscreteHedging.cpp under vc++ and got the following error:
>--------------------Configuration: DiscreteHedging - Win32
>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open
>file "QuantLib_d.lib"
>Error executing link.exe.
>DiscreteHedging.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
>This must be something simple and stupid - maybe you could
>suggest a solution.

This problem should not appear if you try to compile under the "Win32 Release".

In order to compile in "Win32 Debug" configuration, you will need the
QuantLib debug libraries, currently not distributed with the main Win32
installer. They are downloadable from

The "Win32 OnTheEdgeRelease" and "Win 32 OnTheEdgeDebug" configurations are
equivalent to "Win32 Release" and "Win32 Debug" respectively, except that
thay do not use the installed QuantLib libraries, but look for the *.hpp
and *.lib QuantLib files in a relative ..\QuantLib path. This is mainly for
QuantLib developers, to allow them to check the examples without having to
install their working version of QuantLib.

The "OnTheEdge" approach may be adopted if you plan to use QuantLib in your
projects, allowing for a quick and easy way to check how your projects work
with a new QuantLib release without having to install it.

Hope this helps

ciao -- Nando