Re: Java wrapper test program using Eclipse 3.1.1

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Re: Java wrapper test program using Eclipse 3.1.1

John Finlayson
I am having difficulties compiling and linking to QuantLib using Eclipse, Skwash and the tutorial provided by Johan Witters etc.  I have also tried various suggestions from this forum but I'm at a loss how to proceed.  Some of these suggestions included setting up MinGW separately from Cygwin, and using this to build QuantLib as a static library.  This created QuantLib\Debug\libQuantLib.a (not a dll?).  I am also unsure how or if I need to use the -W1,--add-stdcall-alias flags mentioned in Johan's tutorial when building a static rather than a shared library.
When I build QuantLibCppWrapper as a static library(?) (nb: quantlib.cpp seems to be populated OK following the creation of of the Skwash project) I get a lot of errors, 3767 to be precise. 
These errors are:
/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/John/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccGMzCPM.s Warning: .stabn: description field '10001' too big, try a different debug ! QuantLibCppWrapper
/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/John/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccGMzCPM.s Warning: .stabn: description field '10002' too big, try a different debug ! QuantLibCppWrapper
. . .
I mention I am new to Eclipse, C++ and Java and would appreciate any help.
John Finlayson