Re: [Quantlib-users] solving n euqations with n unknowns

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Re: [Quantlib-users] solving n euqations with n unknowns

Adjriou Belak
Hi Ashish,
thanks for your answer,
I'm trying to solve non linear equations. Actually I want to find zero rates  which fit bond Prices but I would like to smooth the curve by making a cubic interpolation. So I can't bootstrap because the current bond needs the next bond with a maturity higher than itself.
Thanks a lot.
I would like to integrate Newton-raphson algorithm to quantlib.

Ashish Kulkarni <[hidden email]> wrote:
AFAIK QuantLib doesn't have a N-dimensional solver. Building such a 
solver is a non-trivial task, to say the least  :-)

Section 9.6 and 9.7 of "Numerical Recipes in C" has very good and highly 
technical discussions regarding the problem (and some implementations, too).

GSL has quite a few N-dimensional solvers also but it's GPL, so it might 
or might not fit your requirements.

Hope this helps,

Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.
     -- Gandhi

> Hi,
> I would like to implement a method with cubic interpolation for an an 
> interest curve so I need to get
> a newton Raphson algorithm to do that.
> Do you know if there is this algorithm in quantlib or a solver wich 
> takes my equations and my unknowns ?
> regards,
> belak

3i Infotech


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Re: [Quantlib-users] solving n euqations with n unknowns

Ashish Kulkarni-6
hello Adjriou,

can't help you directly, but I'd suggest looking at these great articles:

The Art and Science of Curve Building

David Cox: Yield Curves and how to build them

Excel/VBA of McCulloch's model

Hope this helps,

The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
     -- William James

Adjriou Belak wrote:
> Hi Ashish,
> thanks for your answer,
> I'm trying to solve non linear equations. Actually I want to find zero 
> rates  which fit bond Prices but I would like to smooth the curve by 
> making a cubic interpolation. So I can't bootstrap because the current 
> bond needs the next bond with a maturity higher than itself.
> Thanks a lot.
> I would like to integrate Newton-raphson algorithm to quantlib.

3i Infotech


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