Re: Test case failures on OSX

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Re: Test case failures on OSX

Aurelien Chanudet-2
Hi Luigi & Mark,
> Hmm, I might have a suspect. Can you try the
> attached patch on ql/Patterns/singleton.hpp
> and see if this fixes the problem?

No, this does not fix the problem. However, the
problem indeed appears to stem from the singleton
pattern implementation. The reason why some test-cases
are failing is that the supposedly *unique* instance
of the Setting class is actually not unique. In the
swapvaluation.cpp example for instance, I could spot
three instance of the Setting class (only one of these
being correctly initialized). I was unsuccessful so
far at reducing the problem to a sample test case ;
this looks more like a compiler/linker bug due to the
way the static declaration is handled.

Any idea ?

Thanks for a really nice job,


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