Re: projects??

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Re: projects??

Luigi Ballabio
On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 12:46 -0700, adam99 wrote:
> I am taking off from work for a while. Are there any projects that I could
> help? My experience is mainly on fixed income (bonds and interest rate
> models)

        thanks for the offer.  As for projects I have in mind, there's not
much---these days, I'm mostly interested in consolidating the code for
release 1.0.  Are you familiar with the current code base, especially
with respect to interest rates?  Is there anything that strikes you as
missing?  Another possibility is that you help me doing code review on a
few contributions I received; in particular, there was one about
amortizing bonds that I still haven't had the time to look at.
Let me know what you think.

Later (and thanks again,)


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Re: projects??

Thanks Luigi,

Code review sounds like a good way to start. Could you provide me the link (and some information) for the code to look at
