Quoting ElMariachi <
[hidden email]>:
> what is the appropriate way to pass in a DATE object to this method? Passing
> in an excel range that contains a date value throws an error:
> unable to convert type 'struct ObjectHandler::empty_property_tag' to type
> 'QuantLib::Date'
As Nando mentioned, this function is removed from 1.0.1.
But I just tried it in 0.9.7 and it looks OK to me. I passed in an
Excel date for the StartDate parameter.
I started Excel, loaded QuantLibXL-vc80-mt-s-0_9_7.xll, and loaded
YieldCurveBootstrapping.xls. In an empty cell I entered
qlYieldTSParRate() with the following inputs:
ObjectId - =[YieldCurveBootstrapping.xls]Bootstrapping!$F$8
Tenor - 2
StartDate - =[YieldCurveBootstrapping.xls]Bootstrapping!$H$2
The remaining parameters I left to their default values. The function
returns a value. Can you try the same test? do you get the same
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