Rif: Re: QuantLib on Mac

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Rif: Re: QuantLib on Mac


>Hi Andrea,
>as for the library, it should work in Mac OS X out of the box:

>just ./configure, make, and make install. If you're interested in Mac OS 9
>instead, you have no such luck. It should be possible to compile it with a
>decent compiler, though (CodeWarrior?).

you are right, on Max OS X it works fine

>>I would like to create an add-in for excel-mac but I can't find something
>>like xlw.

>Hmm, this is really uncharted territory for me---I'll step back and wait
>for some expert...

I've found a little but full documentation on how to build an add-in for OpenOffice.org, but I would like to use Microsoft Office...


