Silly Question1: Business Day and Calendars

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Silly Question1: Business Day and Calendars

Michele Ravani-2

What defines a business day from a pricing point of view?
A day where a market is open for trading or a day where
settlements can be performed in a given currency, or both?

Does this matter?
If yes, why? (Well, if no, why too)

There are exchanges like Virt-X in London, which define Currency Holidays,
i.e. days where transactions in the given currency are not settled.

On the other hand, the exchanges are often and increasingly deviating from
national holidays, and may also have opening times/dates which depend on
the type of the traded instrument (now this is really pedantic) so defining
calendars based on geographic locations has some limits.

Shouldn't calendars be exchange and settlement currency based? E.g. instead
of a Zurich calendar, we would have a SWX/CHF one.
Or getting even more paranoid, also instrument type based?`


Michele Ravani                  [hidden email]
"Those who live hoping, die singing" My Gran