Strange behavior

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Strange behavior

Kharen Musaelian
Dear All,
I am trying to build quantlibxl 0.9.7 using Visual Studio 2008. I use dynamic win32, debug and manage to compile both ObjectHandler xll and QuantLibXL xll. I also manage to load them into Excel in that order.
However, when I try to compute a simple function such as qlNormsDist it always returns 0. In debugger, I can see that the low level call returns the correct number, but in the layer exposed to excel (the DLLEXPORT function) the symbol returnValue is not loaded (strange), and I cannot watch it's value. I do know the function then returns 0.
It all points out to a bad linking, but I can't see what the problem is. I do a full link and get this problem both in Debug and Release versions.
At this point I am kind of out of ideas. Please help.
Thanks a lot,
Kharen Musaelian

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