I'm trying to replicate a Swap price I can see on my Bloomberg page I 'm not using the Quantlib xl code, because some people in my company are not yet ready to use objects in Excel (pfff) => I have created my own interface with Excel Here is the code double vanillaSwapPrice(int todaysDate_, int tenorInYears, double fixRate, int forwardTenorInMonths, int fltFrequency_, xloper* yieldTermStructure, double nominal, char* type, int settlementDays, int fixFrequency_, char* calendar_, char* dayCounter_, char* fixDayCounter_, char* fltDayCounter_, double spread, char* results){ try{ QuantLib::Calendar calendar = toCalendar(calendar_, QuantLib::TARGET()); QuantLib::Calendar fixCalendar = calendar; QuantLib::Calendar fltCalendar = calendar; QuantLib::RelinkableHandle<QuantLib::YieldTermStructure> yTS; QuantLib::Frequency fixFrequency = toFrequency(fixFrequency_); QuantLib::Frequency fltFrequency = toFrequency(fltFrequency_, QuantLib::Semiannual); QuantLib::DayCounter dayCounter = toDayCounter(dayCounter_, QuantLib::Actual360()); QuantLib::DayCounter fixDayCounter = toDayCounter(fixDayCounter_, QuantLib::Thirty360(QuantLib::Thirty360::BondBasis)); QuantLib::DayCounter fltDayCounter = toDayCounter(fltDayCounter_, QuantLib::Actual360()); boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::IborIndex> index = makeIborIndex(QuantLib::Period(fltFrequency),yTS) .withSettlementDays(settlementDays) .withCalendar(calendar) .withDayCounter(fltDayCounter); QuantLib::Date todaysDate = toDate(todaysDate_); QuantLib::Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = todaysDate; QuantLib::Date settlement = calendar.advance(todaysDate,settlementDays,QuantLib::Days); yTS.linkTo(toYieldTermStructure(settlement, calendar, dayCounter, yieldTermStructure)); QuantLib::VanillaSwap::Type typ; std::string type_ = std::string(type); if (type_ == "R") typ = QuantLib::VanillaSwap::Receiver; else if (type_ == "P") typ = QuantLib::VanillaSwap::Payer; else throw (std::string("unknwown type of Swap")); if (nominal ==0.0) nominal = 1.0; boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::VanillaSwap> sw = makeVSwap(QuantLib::Period(tenorInYears,QuantLib::Years), index, fixRate, QuantLib::Period(forwardTenorInMonths,QuantLib::Months)) .withType(typ) .withNominal(nominal) .withFixedLegTenor(QuantLib::Period(fixFrequency)) .withFixedLegCalendar(fixCalendar) .withFixedLegDayCount(fixDayCounter) .withFloatingLegTenor(QuantLib::Period(fltFrequency)) .withFloatingLegSpread(QuantLib::Spread(spread)) .withFloatingLegCalendar(fltCalendar) .withFloatingLegDayCount(fltDayCounter); //Depending on what I want as results i can choose between return sw->NPV(); //return sw->fixedLegNPV(); //return sw->fixedLegBPS(); //return sw->floatingLegNPV(); //return sw->floatingLegBPS(); //return sw->fairRate(); } catch (...) { errMsg += "[" + functionCall->functionName() + "]" + "Unknown Error"; } //not the real return but adapted here to say somthg :-/ return -1; } The toXXX functions (i.e. toFrequency, toDayCounter, etc) are converter of the inputs into QuantLib types. The (optionnal) second input is the default value, if the first value is not right Here is the toYieldTermStructure function boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure> toYieldTermStructure (Date settlement, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, xloper* input, Compounding comp= QuantLib::Continuous, Frequency freq== QuantLib::Annual, bool endOfMonth= true){ std::vector<std::vector<double> >m = ObjectHandler::operToMatrix<double>(*input ,"Input"); unsigned int rows, cols, sizeInput; rows = m.size(); cols = m[0].size(); sizeInput = __max(rows,cols); boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure> curve; if (sizeInput==1) curve = boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>( new FlatForward(settlement, m[0][0], dayCounter, comp, freq)); else{ std::vector<Date> vDate; std::vector<Real> vPrice; bool isDate = (m[0][0] >=367); //the first X-value of the curve is greater than 1/1/1901 => it's a date if (rows ==2 && cols > 2){ //horizontal data int j_init = 0; if (m[1][0] != 1.0){ vDate.push_back(settlement); vPrice.push_back(1.0); j_init++; } else { if ((isDate && toDate((long)m[0][0]) != settlement) || (!isDate && m[0][0] != 0.0)) throw (std::string("[toYieldTermStructure] Invalid first term value")); } for (unsigned int j = j_init; j< cols; j++){ if (isDate) vDate.push_back(toDate((long)m[0][j])); else //It is not a date => we assume the value is in Months and we add it to the settlement vDate.push_back(calendar.advance(settlement, (long)m[0][j], Months, QuantLib::Unadjusted, endOfMonth)); vPrice.push_back(m[1][j]); } } else if (cols ==2 && rows > 2){ //vertical data int i_init = 0; if (m[0][1] != 1.0){ vDate.push_back(settlement); vPrice.push_back(1.0); i_init ++; } else { if ((isDate && toDate((long)m[0][0]) != settlement) || (!isDate && m[0][0] != 0.0)) throw (std::string("[toYieldTermStructure] Invalid first term value")); } for (unsigned int i = i_init; i< rows; i++){ if (isDate) vDate.push_back(toDate((long)m[i][0])); else //It is not a date => we assume the value is in Months and we add it to the settlement vDate.push_back(calendar.advance(settlement, (long)m[i][0], Months, QuantLib::Unadjusted, endOfMonth)); vPrice.push_back(m[i][1]); } } else throw (std::string("[toYieldTermStructure] data has too much either cols or rows")); curve = boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>( new InterpolatedDiscountCurve<Cubic>( vDate, vPrice, dayCounter, calendar, Cubic(CubicInterpolation::Spline, false, CubicInterpolation::SecondDerivative, 0.0, CubicInterpolation::SecondDerivative, 0.0))); } return curve; } Finally in attach you can find the makeVSwap and makeIborIndex classes When I enter in Excel as inputs: int todaysDate_ = 40261 (ie 24/3/2010) int tenorInYears = 5 double fixRate = 2.21207% int forwardTenorInMonths = 0 int fltFrequency_ = 2 xloper* yieldTermStructure = the curve given by the the second gif file double nominal = 10000000 char* type = R int settlementDays = 0 int fixFrequency_ = 1 char* calendar_ = TARGET char* dayCounter_ =THIRTY360 char* fixDayCounter_ = THIRTY360 char* fltDayCounter_ = ACTUAL360 double spread = 0 it returns a value for NPV = -9252218 FixLegNPV = 1042594.49 FixLegBps = 4713.22 FltLegNPV = -1135118.66 FltLegBps = -4809.48 FairRate = 2.40837 Here are the questions Why do I have differences with Bloomberg. Is QuantLib coherent with Blmbg? Why the market value of each leg is so different (Blmg vs QuantLib)? (example QuantLIb FixLegNPV = 1042596.49 and Blmbg FixLegNPV = 9904395.99) Tks David QL_Blmbg.zip |
the zip file seems not to work. Here is another version David -----Original Message----- From: dhoorens [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: mercredi 24 mars 2010 13:04 To: [hidden email] Subject: [Quantlib-users] Swap Price QuantLib vs. Bloomberg Hi I'm trying to replicate a Swap price I can see on my Bloomberg page I 'm not using the Quantlib xl code, because some people in my company are not yet ready to use objects in Excel (pfff) => I have created my own interface with Excel Here is the code double vanillaSwapPrice(int todaysDate_, int tenorInYears, double fixRate, int forwardTenorInMonths, int fltFrequency_, xloper* yieldTermStructure, double nominal, char* type, int settlementDays, int fixFrequency_, char* calendar_, char* dayCounter_, char* fixDayCounter_, char* fltDayCounter_, double spread, char* results){ try{ QuantLib::Calendar calendar = toCalendar(calendar_, QuantLib::TARGET()); QuantLib::Calendar fixCalendar = calendar; QuantLib::Calendar fltCalendar = calendar; QuantLib::RelinkableHandle<QuantLib::YieldTermStructure> yTS; QuantLib::Frequency fixFrequency = toFrequency(fixFrequency_); QuantLib::Frequency fltFrequency = toFrequency(fltFrequency_, QuantLib::Semiannual); QuantLib::DayCounter dayCounter = toDayCounter(dayCounter_, QuantLib::Actual360()); QuantLib::DayCounter fixDayCounter = toDayCounter(fixDayCounter_, QuantLib::Thirty360(QuantLib::Thirty360::BondBasis)); QuantLib::DayCounter fltDayCounter = toDayCounter(fltDayCounter_, QuantLib::Actual360()); boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::IborIndex> index = makeIborIndex(QuantLib::Period(fltFrequency),yTS) .withSettlementDays(settlementDays) .withCalendar(calendar) .withDayCounter(fltDayCounter); QuantLib::Date todaysDate = toDate(todaysDate_); QuantLib::Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = todaysDate; QuantLib::Date settlement = calendar.advance(todaysDate,settlementDays,QuantLib::Days); yTS.linkTo(toYieldTermStructure(settlement, calendar, dayCounter, yieldTermStructure)); QuantLib::VanillaSwap::Type typ; std::string type_ = std::string(type); if (type_ == "R") typ = QuantLib::VanillaSwap::Receiver; else if (type_ == "P") typ = QuantLib::VanillaSwap::Payer; else throw (std::string("unknwown type of Swap")); if (nominal ==0.0) nominal = 1.0; boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::VanillaSwap> sw = makeVSwap(QuantLib::Period(tenorInYears,QuantLib::Years), index, fixRate, QuantLib::Period(forwardTenorInMonths,QuantLib::Months)) .withType(typ) .withNominal(nominal) .withFixedLegTenor(QuantLib::Period(fixFrequency)) .withFixedLegCalendar(fixCalendar) .withFixedLegDayCount(fixDayCounter) .withFloatingLegTenor(QuantLib::Period(fltFrequency)) .withFloatingLegSpread(QuantLib::Spread(spread)) .withFloatingLegCalendar(fltCalendar) .withFloatingLegDayCount(fltDayCounter); //Depending on what I want as results i can choose between return sw->NPV(); //return sw->fixedLegNPV(); //return sw->fixedLegBPS(); //return sw->floatingLegNPV(); //return sw->floatingLegBPS(); //return sw->fairRate(); } catch (...) { errMsg += "[" + functionCall->functionName() + "]" + "Unknown Error"; } //not the real return but adapted here to say somthg :-/ return -1; } The toXXX functions (i.e. toFrequency, toDayCounter, etc) are converter of the inputs into QuantLib types. The (optionnal) second input is the default value, if the first value is not right Here is the toYieldTermStructure function boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure> toYieldTermStructure (Date settlement, Calendar calendar, DayCounter dayCounter, xloper* input, Compounding comp= QuantLib::Continuous, Frequency freq== QuantLib::Annual, bool endOfMonth= true){ std::vector<std::vector<double> >m = ObjectHandler::operToMatrix<double>(*input ,"Input"); unsigned int rows, cols, sizeInput; rows = m.size(); cols = m[0].size(); sizeInput = __max(rows,cols); boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure> curve; if (sizeInput==1) curve = boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>( new FlatForward(settlement, m[0][0], dayCounter, comp, freq)); else{ std::vector<Date> vDate; std::vector<Real> vPrice; bool isDate = (m[0][0] >=367); //the first X-value of the curve is greater than 1/1/1901 => it's a date if (rows ==2 && cols > 2){ //horizontal data int j_init = 0; if (m[1][0] != 1.0){ vDate.push_back(settlement); vPrice.push_back(1.0); j_init++; } else { if ((isDate && toDate((long)m[0][0]) != settlement) || (!isDate && m[0][0] != 0.0)) throw (std::string("[toYieldTermStructure] Invalid first term value")); } for (unsigned int j = j_init; j< cols; j++){ if (isDate) vDate.push_back(toDate((long)m[0][j])); else //It is not a date => we assume the value is in Months and we add it to the settlement vDate.push_back(calendar.advance(settlement, (long)m[0][j], Months, QuantLib::Unadjusted, endOfMonth)); vPrice.push_back(m[1][j]); } } else if (cols ==2 && rows > 2){ //vertical data int i_init = 0; if (m[0][1] != 1.0){ vDate.push_back(settlement); vPrice.push_back(1.0); i_init ++; } else { if ((isDate && toDate((long)m[0][0]) != settlement) || (!isDate && m[0][0] != 0.0)) throw (std::string("[toYieldTermStructure] Invalid first term value")); } for (unsigned int i = i_init; i< rows; i++){ if (isDate) vDate.push_back(toDate((long)m[i][0])); else //It is not a date => we assume the value is in Months and we add it to the settlement vDate.push_back(calendar.advance(settlement, (long)m[i][0], Months, QuantLib::Unadjusted, endOfMonth)); vPrice.push_back(m[i][1]); } } else throw (std::string("[toYieldTermStructure] data has too much either cols or rows")); curve = boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>( new InterpolatedDiscountCurve<Cubic>( vDate, vPrice, dayCounter, calendar, Cubic(CubicInterpolation::Spline, false, CubicInterpolation::SecondDerivative, 0.0, CubicInterpolation::SecondDerivative, 0.0))); } return curve; } Finally in attach you can find the makeVSwap and makeIborIndex classes When I enter in Excel as inputs: int todaysDate_ = 40261 (ie 24/3/2010) int tenorInYears = 5 double fixRate = 2.21207% int forwardTenorInMonths = 0 int fltFrequency_ = 2 xloper* yieldTermStructure = the curve given by the the second gif file double nominal = 10000000 char* type = R int settlementDays = 0 int fixFrequency_ = 1 char* calendar_ = TARGET char* dayCounter_ =THIRTY360 char* fixDayCounter_ = THIRTY360 char* fltDayCounter_ = ACTUAL360 double spread = 0 it returns a value for NPV = -9252218 FixLegNPV = 1042594.49 FixLegBps = 4713.22 FltLegNPV = -1135118.66 FltLegBps = -4809.48 FairRate = 2.40837 Here are the questions Why do I have differences with Bloomberg. Is QuantLib coherent with Blmbg? Why the market value of each leg is so different (Blmg vs QuantLib)? (example QuantLIb FixLegNPV = 1042596.49 and Blmbg FixLegNPV = 9904395.99) Tks David http://old.nabble.com/file/p28014072/QL_Blmbg.zip QL_Blmbg.zip -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Swap-Price-QuantLib-vs.-Bloomberg-tp28014072p28014 072.html Sent from the quantlib-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users -----Disclaimer----- This message may contain confidential information intended solely for the use of the named addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read, use, disclose or reproduce the content of this message. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately. Any views or opinions presented in this message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of AXA Belgium, AXA Bank Europe, AXA Tech Belgium GIE - ESV or any other entity of the AXA Group, unless otherwise stated by the sender and duly authorized by the said companies. --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users |
In reply to this post by dhoorens
Hi David, without going into detail of your code i would say that this is related in the way how you created the yc in quantlib. You should get the same result from blmbg if the discountfactors together with the maturities are correctly passed to ql. I would say just double check your yc in ql again and the leg you created. ( Better dont take the discountfactors from blmbg, take the swap quotes from blmbg and bootstrap a yc in ql, then compare the discountfactors between blmbg and ql) dhoorens schrieb: > > Here are the questions > Why do I have differences with Bloomberg. > Is QuantLib coherent with Blmbg? > This has nothing to do with ql. A yc is uniquely determined by its calibration instruments ( bonds, futures, swap,..) and other conventions ( interpolations, daycounter,...) If everythings are equivalent then the resulting ycs should be the same and as a consequence the pricing should also be the same. Cheers, Kim > Why the market value of each leg is so different (Blmg vs QuantLib)? > (example QuantLIb FixLegNPV = 1042596.49 and Blmbg FixLegNPV = 9904395.99) > > Tks > David > http://old.nabble.com/file/p28014072/QL_Blmbg.zip QL_Blmbg.zip > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users |
So if I understand you well, you tell me that by changing the yieldCurve
I will obtain exactly what Bloomberg gives me If it is the case, I can believe you :-) But I have a problem with the fixed and floating leg values. Why are they so different FixLeg: QL = ~1MM FixLeg: Blmbg: = ~10MM ?? Tks David -----Original Message----- From: Kim Kuen Tang [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: mercredi 24 mars 2010 14:21 To: HOORENS David Cc: [hidden email] Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] Swap Price QuantLib vs. Bloomberg Hi David, without going into detail of your code i would say that this is related in the way how you created the yc in quantlib. You should get the same result from blmbg if the discountfactors together with the maturities are correctly passed to ql. I would say just double check your yc in ql again and the leg you created. ( Better dont take the discountfactors from blmbg, take the swap quotes from blmbg and bootstrap a yc in ql, then compare the discountfactors between blmbg and ql) dhoorens schrieb: > > Here are the questions > Why do I have differences with Bloomberg. > Is QuantLib coherent with Blmbg? > This has nothing to do with ql. A yc is uniquely determined by its calibration instruments ( bonds, futures, swap,..) and other conventions ( interpolations, daycounter,...) If everythings are equivalent then the resulting ycs should be the same and as a consequence the pricing should also be the same. Cheers, Kim > Why the market value of each leg is so different (Blmg vs QuantLib)? > (example QuantLIb FixLegNPV = 1042596.49 and Blmbg FixLegNPV = 9904395.99) > > Tks > David > http://old.nabble.com/file/p28014072/QL_Blmbg.zip QL_Blmbg.zip > -----Disclaimer----- This message may contain confidential information intended solely for the use of the named addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read, use, disclose or reproduce the content of this message. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately. Any views or opinions presented in this message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of AXA Belgium, AXA Bank Europe, AXA Tech Belgium GIE - ESV or any other entity of the AXA Group, unless otherwise stated by the sender and duly authorized by the said companies. --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users |
Hi David, HOORENS David schrieb: > So if I understand you well, you tell me that by changing the yieldCurve > I will obtain exactly what Bloomberg gives me > If it is the case, I can believe you :-) > What i mean is that a fixleg is very trivial. It is only a sum over fixed * dcf * df. dcf = daycountfraction, df = discountfactor So u should get the same as from bloomberg. Did you double check ur fixedleg ? And did you really pass the yc correctly to ql? > But I have a problem with the fixed and floating leg values. Why are > they so different > FixLeg: QL = ~1MM > FixLeg: Blmbg: = ~10MM > ?? > > Tks > David > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Kim Kuen Tang [mailto:[hidden email]] > Sent: mercredi 24 mars 2010 14:21 > To: HOORENS David > Cc: [hidden email] > Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] Swap Price QuantLib vs. Bloomberg > > > Hi David, > > without going into detail of your code i would say that this is related > in the way how you created the yc in quantlib. > You should get the same result from blmbg if the discountfactors > together with the maturities are correctly passed to ql. > I would say just double check your yc in ql again and the leg you > created. ( Better dont take the discountfactors from blmbg, take the > swap quotes from blmbg and bootstrap a yc in ql, then compare the > discountfactors between blmbg and ql) > > > dhoorens schrieb: > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users |
Hi Kim
Except that I have used the blmbg prices instead of the rates, and that I have quasi the same value for the Swap (fixed minus float)... (difference of 8bps => so ok..) So I guess it's quasi good, but I don't understand the ten factor for the fixed Leg value. Indeed I expected a value near the nominal for the fixed leg but with QL I have ten times less...(1MM instead of 10 MM)??? I have used the function sw->fixedLegNPV() Tks David -----Original Message----- From: Kim Kuen Tang [mailto:[hidden email]] Sent: jeudi 25 mars 2010 10:14 To: HOORENS David Cc: [hidden email] Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] Swap Price QuantLib vs. Bloomberg Hi David, HOORENS David schrieb: > So if I understand you well, you tell me that by changing the yieldCurve > I will obtain exactly what Bloomberg gives me > If it is the case, I can believe you :-) > What i mean is that a fixleg is very trivial. It is only a sum over fixed * dcf * df. dcf = daycountfraction, df = discountfactor So u should get the same as from bloomberg. Did you double check ur fixedleg ? And did you really pass the yc correctly to ql? > But I have a problem with the fixed and floating leg values. Why are > they so different > FixLeg: QL = ~1MM > FixLeg: Blmbg: = ~10MM > ?? > > Tks > David > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Kim Kuen Tang [mailto:[hidden email]] > Sent: mercredi 24 mars 2010 14:21 > To: HOORENS David > Cc: [hidden email] > Subject: Re: [Quantlib-users] Swap Price QuantLib vs. Bloomberg > > > Hi David, > > without going into detail of your code i would say that this is > in the way how you created the yc in quantlib. > You should get the same result from blmbg if the discountfactors > together with the maturities are correctly passed to ql. > I would say just double check your yc in ql again and the leg you > created. ( Better dont take the discountfactors from blmbg, take the > swap quotes from blmbg and bootstrap a yc in ql, then compare the > discountfactors between blmbg and ql) > > > dhoorens schrieb: > -----Disclaimer----- This message may contain confidential information intended solely for the use of the named addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read, use, disclose or reproduce the content of this message. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately. Any views or opinions presented in this message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of AXA Belgium, AXA Bank Europe, AXA Tech Belgium GIE - ESV or any other entity of the AXA Group, unless otherwise stated by the sender and duly authorized by the said companies. --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users |
Hi David,
On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 10:48 +0100, HOORENS David wrote: > Except that I have used the blmbg prices instead of the rates, and that > I have quasi the same value for the Swap (fixed minus float)... > (difference of 8bps => so ok..) Maybe not so ok---I would have expected something more accurate, since it's a fairly simple calculation. I see you're using a cubic interpolation on the discount factors. What is Bloomberg using? I see "Piecewise Linear" on the gif you included, but is it on discounts or rates? > So I guess it's quasi good, but I don't understand the ten factor for > the fixed Leg value. > Indeed I expected a value near the nominal for the fixed leg but with QL > I have ten times less...(1MM instead of 10 MM)??? do you expect the NPV of the legs to include the final exchange of notionals? In QuantLib, it doesn't. Luigi -- A programming language is low-level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant. -- Alan Perlis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev _______________________________________________ QuantLib-users mailing list [hidden email] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/quantlib-users |
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