Same problem and here is the output from:
WINDOWS6, VC9, BOOST 1.38, and QL-0.9.7Error 1
fatal error in "QuantLib::detail::quantlib_test_case(&SwaptionVolatilityMatrixTest::testSwaptionVolMatrixCoherence)": recovery of atm vols through BlackSwaptionEngine failed for floating reference date, floating market data:
%PROGRAMPATH%\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\QuantLib-0.9.7\test-suite\swaptionvolatilitymatrix.cpp 243 testsuite
David Brown
Ken-JP wrote
One Error in Windows XP, release build...
------ Build started: Project: testsuite, Configuration: Release (static runtime) Win32 ------
Creating manifest...
Auto run test
Testing QuantLib-vc80-mt-s-0_9_7.lib
Running 390 test cases...
Platform: Win32
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ version 8.0
STL : Dinkumware standard library version 405
Boost : 1.35.0
Testing swaption volatility matrix...
./swaptionvolatilitymatrix.cpp(214): fatal error in "QuantLib::detail::quantlib_test_case(&SwaptionVolatilityMatrixTest::testSwaptionVolMatrixCoherence)": optionDateFromTenor mismatch for floating reference date, floating market data:
option tenor: 1M
actual option date: February 11th, 2009
exp. option date: February 12th, 2009