Hi Luigi and Daniele
>>The yearFraction between March 30 and March 31 is 0.
>>I'm sure that can't be right.
>Yes, it looks strange, to say the least :)
the definitive answer is to be found in the ISDA documentation, anyway all
the implementations I've found of Thirty360 gives zero as result. Check
also Excel implementation. Zero happens for all months with 31 days. Unless
proven wrong I wouldn't consider this a bug.
Even stranger, if you start accruing on January 1st, March 1st account for
3 days of accrual: day360(1-Jan-2005, 28-Feb-2005)=57 while
day360(1-Jan-2005, 1-March-2005)=60
Market conventions: enjoy them!
ciao -- Nando