Trying multi-threaded Heston calibration

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Trying multi-threaded Heston calibration

Ghorpadkar, Suhas

I am trying to use parallel_for_each loop from Microsoft PPL library to speed up Heston calibration. We are using Differential Evolution to optimize time dependent Heston parameters, so I thought the best place to parallelize would be in the HestonBootstrapFunction. I created a new BootstrapFunction class that inherits from CostFunction and overrode its values() method as below. For each date in vol surface, I am expecting to pass in as many CalibrationHelpers as there are strikes and I would like to calculate the calibration errors in parallel for that date. I compiled the code with /GR option to indicate RTTI support. I am getting std::__non_rtti_object exception that I am struggling with. Any help is appreciated.


Here is my MTHestonBootstrapFunction.h :


#ifndef MT_quantlib_heston_option_helper_hpp

#define MT_quantlib_heston_option_helper_hpp


#include <future>

#include <thread>

#include <ql/models/calibrationhelper.hpp>

#include <ql/models/equity/hestonmodelhelper.hpp>

#include <ql/models/equity/piecewisetimedependenthestonmodel.hpp>

#include <ql/instruments/vanillaoption.hpp>

#include <ql/math/optimization/costfunction.hpp>

#include <ppl.h>

#include <concrtrm.h>


using namespace std;

using namespace Concurrency;


namespace QuantLib {

class MTHestonBootstrapFunction : public CostFunction {



                     boost::shared_ptr<PiecewiseTimeDependentHestonModel> model,

                     Size index,

                     std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CalibrationHelper>> helpers): model_(model), index_(index), helpers_(helpers) {}


              Real value(const Array& x) const {

                     Array tmp = values(x);

                     QuantLib::Real v = 0.0;

                     for(Size i=0; i<tmp.size(); i++)

                           v += tmp[i] * tmp[i];

                           //v = std::max(v, std::abs(tmp[i]));

                     return v;



              Disposable<Array> values(const Array& x) const{

                     Real theta, kappa, sigma, rho;

                     theta = x[0]; kappa = x[1];

                     sigma = x[2]; rho = x[3];

                     // V0 is set on the first maturity and kept unchanged

                     if(index_ == 0)


                     // kappa is not negociable (faster resolution)

                     // model_->setKappa(index_, kappa);

                     model_->setTheta(index_, theta);

                     model_->setSigma(index_, sigma);

                     model_->setRho(index_, rho);


                     Array v(helpers_.size());


                     combinable<std::vector<Real> > localErrors;

                     parallel_for_each(helpers_.begin(),  helpers_.end(), [&localErrors] (boost::shared_ptr<CalibrationHelper> helper) {

                           Real error = helper->calibrationError();




                     localErrors.combine_each([&](std::vector<Real> & local){

                           for (int k = 0; k < local.size(); ++k){

                                  v[k] =;




                     return v;



              boost::shared_ptr<PiecewiseTimeDependentHestonModel> model_;

              Size index_;

              std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CalibrationHelper>> helpers_;






Thanks a lot,






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